June 10, 2010

Back to Life

Back to reality? No, not yet, really...I have been jet-lagged before, but this time seems harder than normal to manage. Plus - conference attendance means a 4-day weekend, so here's hoping I will be back to "normal" on Monday. And what will Monday bring? 6 days out of the office? Who the heck knows...I will need all the sleep I can get for that one.

The conference - NAEYC Professional Development Institute in Phoenix, AZ (http://www.naeyc.org/) - was what brought me back here. One session I attended was about using social media networking - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Blogging (oh my!) - and I actually for the first time understood Twitter, got myself an account (again...I had one before, so no one will be able to find me via my email since I had to get a new one..grr) and decided to try this blogging thing one more time. I got excited about helping to promote the agency's mission and activities using social media and the session presenters were right - the different online programs need to be used and mastered personally before they can be utilized effectively professionally.

So, now I am going to attempt to personally master both Twitter and Blogging in a combination 1-2 punch. What does this mean for you? Well, you are going to be forced to suffer and bear with me while I struggle for skill mastery. I want followers - I want readers - I want conversations - I want feedback - so I can transfer these skills to my job. I am going to start reading blogs more often, so if you read this and have a blog of your own, fill me in on it's location so I can learn from your abilities. Have Twitter? Follow me (@ybudnnej) and I will follow you, too. Help me improve my wordiness - limiting myself to such a small number of characters is going to prove challenging.

Thank you in advance for your patience, support, and assistance. Here it goes...wish me luck!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Love it! I'm trying to figure out Twitter too (it's so much more confusing to me than FB). I think I selected you to follow but you can follow me if you want..ginamig164