November 11, 2008

The sprain

Okay, so here I go. I'm in the living room, my ankle elevated by three throw pillows because of the sprain. You probably don't know about the here's what happened:

Picture it: Sunday, November 2, 2008. It was just before noon and B and I are leaving for a thrilling day of laundry. We have two baskets - B's smaller "traditional" laundry basket and my basket, which is more of a large hamper-style. And it's full. I struggle to carry this basket each and every week and B and I argue each and every week about me carrying the larger, heavier basket and every week I lose.

Anyway, B's already in the car already when I get outside and I yell to him "which side" so I know which side is empty. From inside the car, he indicates the passenger side, so I start to cut across the leaf-covered lawn. Big mistake. See, somehow I forgot that there is a flower garden buried beneath the leaves, probably because I didn't plant anything in that particular garden this year,and my when I stepped into it, I lost my balance. As I was falling, I felt my ankle twist hard and felt an instant zing of pain, and then I heard a loud POP. Disgusting.

So, there I am...lying on my back in the front yard, yelling in pain, tears running down my face. The laundry basket went flying, spilling out, I am just happy it was dirty laundry...and there is nothing like airing dirty laundry...hmmm, and where you might ask was B? He was laughing his ass off in the car! Bastard! He did quickly realize that there was something wrong when I didn't bounce right back up, so he did get out of the car and he stopped laughing for his own self-preservation. He tried to help me up, but it hurt so it took a few minutes. He got me into the car and volunteered to go back upstairs to get an ice pack. We, however, didn't have an icepack, but instead we had 2 bottles of bodysplash chilled in the freezer left over from the summer. It's actually an easy way to take some of the summer heat away since the splashes don't freeze and it's refreshing to spritz the icy liquid, but it is not an effective icepack.

So, now it's been over a week and the ankle is bit bruised and a bit swollen. I'm wearing a brace - doctor's orders - and I am keeping off it as much as possible and keeping it iced, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will get better soon!

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